Please read the following instructions
Kindly complete and submit the required information below.  Please note that all fields are required.
1. Be sure to include a valid e-mail address. Your e-mail will remain as your username in this system. You must change it here if it changes for you later.
2. A confirmation of your registration will be sent to the e-mail that you provided as your username. (Please note that WMO cannot be held responsible if emails sent to users are not reaching their destination.)
3. With your username and password from this form, you may then complete your Personal History Form online and apply to e-Recruitment vacancies.
Returning Applicants
If you have already created a profile in e-Recruitment, you do NOT need to register again. You can directly access your personal profile here
First Name:
Family Name (Last Name):
Country and Place of Birth:
Date of Birth:
Are you currently employed by WMO?

Your e-mail (user name for future visits):  
*** IMPORTANT: For accounts with YAHOO, HOTMAIL, or MSN, you MUST verify that the account is able to receive e-mails BEFORE registering.
You must check your SPAM/bulk folders. We cannot guarantee e-mail will be delivered properly to such accounts. For information on e-mails please click here
Type your e-mail again to confirm:  
  We are concerned about your security: 'strong' passwords are required.

Please use:
1. one Upper case letter,
2. one number,
3. one special character - such as #,$,+,|,_,@,!
4. password 7 characters minimum
5. 20 characters maximum
Password (for future visits - 20 char max):
Type password again:
Please enter security answers to be used if you forget your username.
Select the first question:
Enter your answer: 
Select the second question:
Enter your answer: 
Please indicate how you became familiar with our web site:
Please specify the exact referral person or site: | Privacy Notice | Last update 20 Jul 24