12 February 2025
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DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 4 January 2022 Vacancy Notice Cancelled

SENIOR CONSULTANT: External Evaluation of the WMO Constituent Body Reform


, Stateless

To be determined

Six months initially

WMO is committed to achieving diversity and a balanced workforce. Applications are welcome from qualified women and men, including those with disabilities. The statutory retirement age after 1 January 2014 is 65. For external applicants, only those who are expected to complete the term of appointment will normally be considered.

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is seeking to employ a senior consultant as Lead Evaluator to conduct an independent and external evaluation of the WMO Constituent Body Reform. The lead evaluator is responsible for the management and conduct of the evaluation, for the quality and credibility of the evaluation process, including the design of the methodology and tools, data collection, analysis and reporting, as well as for the submission of the Final External Evaluation Report. (Detailed terms of reference can be found at the link below under "Additional Information")

1. The consultant will lead the in-depth evaluation of the recent major reform of WMO's governance.

2. The evaluation is intended to assess progress made in implementation of the WMO constituent body reform to date and collect early evidence of its effectiveness compared to the previous system (in line with Phase 2 of the three-phased approach described in the Terms of Reference).

3. The specific evaluation objectives are to:

a. Determine the extent to which, in comparison with previous arrangements, the constituent body reform has resulted or is on track to result in:

- Constituent and additional body structures, including servicing by the Secretariat, that (i) are aligned with the WMO Strategic Plan, (ii) better support Members' efforts to unify operational prediction systems, observations and services through the Earth systems approach, and (iii) uptake research and scientific and technological advances into operational systems as well as foster better understanding of the weather-climate-water nexus;
- Increased effectiveness in responding to societal needs by supporting the delivery of authoritative, accessible, user-oriented and fit-for-purpose information and services;
- Better engagement of Members, experts and partners, including from the academic and private sectors, in the work of WMO;
- Efficiencies, synergies and enhanced coordination between regional associations, technical commissions and the Research Board, including savings gained from the restructuring of technical commissions and the Secretariat re-aligned to support activities of regional associations aimed at enhancing the capacity of Members;
- A multi-disciplinary, diverse and balanced (in terms of geographical representation and gender) pool of experts;
- More effective decision-making processes and optimized resources;
- A more agile Organization, capable of adapting to a rapidly changing and volatile environment.

b. Assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the reform process in terms of transparency, smoothness of the transition, clarity and timing of communications to Members, and optimization of resources.

c. Identify any barriers or constraints, propose corrective action, provide recommendations on the way forward, and draw lessons learned.

4. The evaluation should also address the effectiveness of coordination among WMO bodies.

Expertise in the conduct of evaluations and management reviews. Background in the area of the environment at the global and regional levels would be an asset.

A minimum of 10 years' experience in (i) the design and management of programme, organizational and/or institutional evaluations; (ii) design and management of evaluation tools, such as desk reviews, surveys, and interviews; and (iii) drafting of evaluation reports; Demonstrated experience in applying institutional and organizational assessment methods in the context of large international organizations; Experience in undertaking evaluation work globally, particularly of programmes, projects or structures of the UN system and/or the World Bank; Experience in the field of national hydrometeorological services would be an asset.

Other requirements
The evaluator shall be external to WMO, have no prior employment in WMO Secretariat.

Ability to write concisely in English; proficiency in French and/or Spanish.

(Note: The official languages of the Organization are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.)
Possibility of renewal subject to the availability of funds and pending satisfactory performance after an initial probationary period of one year which can be extended up to a maximum of two years.
Additional Information:
Interested candidates must supply the following information:

a. A cover letter including:
- A description of how their skills, qualifications and experience are relevant to the requirements of the assignment;
- A list of previous evaluations that are relevant to the context and subject of the assignment;
- A statement confirming availability to conduct the assignment and budget (please indicate currency of amount);
- A statement confirming that the candidate has no previous employment history with the WMO Secretariat.
b. A brief technical proposal describing:
- Understanding of WMO requirements;
- Proposed methodology/approach;
- Timeline, milestones and preliminary workplan;
- Quality assurance and risk assessment, including mitigation measures;
- Budget.
c. Curriculum vitae of the Lead Evaluator and as attachments the names and CVs of any proposed evaluation team members.

Interested candidates are asked to peruse the detailed information about the terms of reference of the project at:

The deadline to submit expressions of interest for the evaluation is by close of business on 4 January 2022 sent by email with a subject header "External Evaluation of the WMO Constituent Body Reform" to Dr Assia Alexieva at:

Date of issue of vacancy notice: 2 December 2021

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